Hi, I am Nina

I am a space holder, dreamer, and poet, weaving the threads of spirituality and creativity into the tapestry of my life's work. My role as a mother and creator further enriches my understanding of the human experience. In my quest to share the wisdom gathered on my journey, I blend ancient wisdom with intuitive guidance, guiding seekers toward self-discovery, healing and empowerment.

As a therapist, healer, and medicine woman, I hold space for individuals to explore the depths of their being, facilitating profound shifts on their paths to wholeness.

What drew you to your practice/teaching?

The challenges of a difficult childhood shaped my empathetic approach and fueled my commitment to facilitating healing spaces. My awakening journey was triggered by a psychotic episode, following a dramatic life change. It led me to explore various practices as I was intending to understand what I had been through - I traversed the realms of plant medicine, art therapy, energy healing, subconscious repatterning, kundalini yoga, finding long lost aspects of myself . As a free spirit, I've wandered across our beautiful planet, nourishing my soul of so many spiritual approaches and worldviews. these explorations have not only expanded my horizons but have also deeply influenced my work as a space holder and spiritual guide.

How do you define your teaching or healing philosophy?

My gift lies in seeing through the layers, understanding intricate patterns, and unraveling the dynamics of human behavior. I reflect the essence of each soul, nurturing the journey of reconnecting with our creative force and birthright to be joyful. My brilliance lies in deciphering patterns and behavior dynamics. Whether in the space of therapy or ceremony, I illuminate the pathways to personal growth and healing. I create transformative journeys, where the alchemy of healing meets the poetry of the soul. As we weave our stories, we embrace the beauty of our shared human experience.

Can you share a pivotal moment in your journey of awakening?

A pivotal moment in my journey occurred when I embraced radical self-responsibility. I realized that I was the sole captain of my destiny, and I couldn't blame anyone or anything for my pain—or my joys. I chose to embrace myself with complete acceptance and transparency, and I began to view every trigger as an opportunity to heal. My growth was catalyzed by this shift in perspective. Owning my experience—all of it—and standing fiercely and playfully through life's challenges, I learned to navigate my path with grace and resilience.

What’s a belief or value that deeply influences your work?

I hold the belief that our journey on Earth is a renewed miracle, to be embraced with a reverence for all things sacred, and our journey to be walked lightly. I see life as a game to be engaged with the entirety of our hearts and souls, much like how children immerse themselves in play—wholeheartedly and without reservation. To me, the essence of being alive is to embrace every facet of existence, the challenging moments and the magical ones alike, without making distinctions. Self-awareness, in this light, is made to widen our openness, make us more receptive to life's surprises, and deepen our curiosity about the unfolding mystery that is our existence.

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I am here to reconnect you with spirit and your flow state, for you to you remember your unique blueprint so you can offer your gifts to the world